Thursday, December 13, 2007

12 Days of Christmas..Or 12 Days before Christmas, however you see it...

Well things have started getting rather busy..and the holiday’s are approaching quickly. We have the tree up, and I decided since it is Reeves first Xmas we would get out all of the decorations. I have also decided to do most of my shopping online this year. I have decided people are NUTS, and can’t drive around the holidays.
Case in point. I was driving to a local Target, as many people know this is my home away from home. I figure a store where you can buy tampons and a sweater can’t be all that bad J Anywho, I was driving down a lane to park, and sure enough this woman comes through all the parking spots like a bat out of hell. I honked my horn (this is a little Bmore coming out in me), and she actually flicked me off as to say I was doing something wrong. She was the one cutting through the entire parking lot the wrong way. If I didn’t have my son in the car with me, I would have ignored and kept on my business, but I so nicely rolled down the window and told her to learn how to drive through a parking lot, and next time she could have hit someone. She saw I had an infant in the car, and said she was sorry..considering the side of my car she would have hit would have been my son’s. I checked out her license plate, and such enough she was from out of state..(state to remain nameless). Then and there I decided to order on line. I mean I love the hustle and bustle like anyone else, but decided this year with having my son in the car it was not worth the risk. People are insane around the holidays!
This Friday night we take Reeves to see Santa Claus, with every Tom, Dick and Harry around. It will be fun, but I am sure he will have no memory of this, nor the long line that we are going to have to wait in. I don’t mind. They have a cookie place right near the Santa station ( I am sure they set it up there on purpose)..I can’t imagine what the cookie places revenue is for the month of Dec when Santa is present. It is probably better than any other month of the year. Kids, Santa and Cookies..Oh my!!!

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