Friday, September 12, 2008

What a great weekend!

WEll, we had a wondeful weekend. It was very busy with lots of fun activities. Friday we decided to go to our neighborhood outdoor movie. They were showing Ice Age the Meltdown. I didn't know how Reeves would handle sitting outside for a long period of time, but he did great for about an hour an 1/2. I don't think he cared too much for the movie, but he had fun eating pizza and playing. Saturday, we went to his friend's Isabel's first Birthday party. He had a great time! Then on Sunday we headed to this new place, called Catch Air. I had heard about this place through friends, and have been dying to take Reeves. It was an indoor playground. He had so much fun!! We got home after running some errands after Catch Air, and he slept for 3 hours. He was so tired!
Well, it's back to work..but in 4 days my parents will be here!! I love when they come and visit.

Well, that's the quick update on our weekend. Hope everyone has a great week.

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